Nilesh Parate's Blog

A freelancer for future development

Make Windows XP Universal Ghost with preinstalled soft for Every PC

Lots of IT Engineer spent lots of time to install Windows XP, Drivers and Software installation on a computer but now it is easy to install one go procedure, it is not a dream to be fact it.  Ha Ha Ha….

Yes Yes Yes… It is very easy to install in 15 to 20 minutes with Windows XP, Drivers and Softwares while you take a hot coffee.

I am showing how to do this with all softwares which will be preinstalled on Windows Xp system. In short description, First things you install fresh Windows XP, Second things you install Drivers, and finally third things you install all required software for Desktop PC like Microsoft Office, VLC Player, Adobe Reader, Photoshop, CorelDraw,  Nero, Antivirus, Fire Fox, Google Chrome, Picasa, Dreamweaver, Flash Player, Silverlight, etc everything you want.

Now magic is starting with following tools
  1. Windows XP installation CD for fresh installation.
  2. You will need Spat 6.0.9 final version tool for Sysprep installation.
  3. SkyDriverXP 11.1-Plus for auto driver installation.
  4. Ghost with bootable usb or Hiren Boot CD. Every PC.rar.001 Every PC.rar.002 Every PC.rar.003
You follow these steps one by one :

Step 1 –

You install Fresh Windows XP in your system with Windows XP bootable CD.

Step 2 –
Install drivers in Windows XP system.

Step 3 –

Install all software which required for your Desktop PC & change Desktop background, If require to reboot, do it.
Step 4 –
Cleanup temp files with Disk Cleanup.
Go to Start button –> Programs –> Accessories –> System Tool –> Disk Cleanup –> Select C Drive –> Select All -> Ok -> Reboot system.
Step 5 –
Unrar Universal Ghost file on Desktop which you have downloaded above links.
Go to My Computer -> C Drive -> Create New Folder -> Give Name “Sysprep”
Copy all files and folders from Desktop “SkyDriverXP-V11.1-Plus” and “” folders to paste in Sysprep folder.
Delete Universal Ghost folder and rar file from Desktop. Clean up your pc with Disk Cleanup Utility as above.

Step 6

Run “” from C:\Sysprep folder. It will prompt message, click to Ok.
In “System Preparation Assisted Tool”, General tab -> Select all, Please check all options are selected or not.
Then go to “Interface” tab select “EasyDrv3.5.exe” from C:\Sysprep folder as below image.
Then go to “General” tab and click on Sysprep button as below image
Now you will get Sysprep Confirmation Message, Click Ok.
And Syspre Tool is configuring all setup.
Step 7
Now Shutdown your PC and create a ghost image with Norton Ghost.

Finally you got a Universal Windows XP Ghost image.  You will restore it to any Desktop PC or Laptop with Ghost and then reboot PC or Laptop, it will take 15 to 20 minutes to install Windows XP with Drives and all Software which you have installed previously.  You can also follow this video to you get idea how to implement on your system from ghost image.

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Google Auto Search with Typing movement Animation

I have spent couple of hours daily on Google, but I found suddenly one amazing tool like Auto Typing Keyword in Google Search Bar. It is amazing, I do not believe it.

You can just image Google will be automatically searching for specific keyword which URL you will have sent to your friend email address and your friend will click on link or past link in browser, friend will surprise to see Auto Typing Keyword or Word.
Yes.. Yes.. You can stop imagination now i will show how to do this...
Follow the steps :
Select specific word or character you want to search with Google as you type in
  1. You can also search for video, maps, news, shopping, photos, plus, profile, books, finance in Google supported  languages.
  2. For example, now I will search for keyword "Somin Parate"
  3. Typing following command in address bar,
  5. Thats done, you will be see animated Google search engine with Keyword Animation.
You can also follow this youtube video to How to work ? is also good tool for them who's guys and friends are so lazy to type in Google Search.
You can enjoy useful Google Automatic Search with Typing movement Animation with

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